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Procedure of the appraisal interview: How to structure it sensibly

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There is basically no one-size-fits-all formula for the process of appraisal interviews. After all, appraisal interviews must always be adapted to the situation and the person we are talking to. Nevertheless, the structured planning of the conversation is a prerequisite for success – this applies to employees and managers. There are therefore a few basic points that you can keep in mind in any type of appraisal interview. You can find out what these are in this article.

1. Prepare for the appraisal interview

Going into an appraisal interview on the off chance rarely ends well. That's why you should take enough time to prepare.

Key points:

  • Clarify objectives, what kind of conversation is involved or what is the focus of the discussion (annual meeting, feedback meeting, target agreement meeting, development meeting?).
  • The employee must prepare in the same way as the manager. Therefore, inform the employee in good time about the reason and focus of the meeting, date and place.
  • Allow enough time for the concerns of all parties involved.

2. Open an appraisal interview

  • At the beginning of the interview, briefly outline the occasion, objective, process and time frame.

3. Conduct of the interview and the course of the appraisal interview

If you are conducting an appraisal interview, the interview should definitely take place at eye level. This is the only way to ensure a constructive exchange:

  • No matter what type of appraisal interviews you're conducting, remember that the employee should be the first to present their point of view. Then present your own point of view, work on solutions that are okay for both sides.
  • Make sure that there are equal proportions of speech.
  • Always keep the goal of the conversation in mind.

4. Conclusion of the appraisal interview

  • Document the conversation,
  • clarify open questions,
  • set agreements.

5. After the appraisal interview

  • Reflection of the conversation: What was the atmosphere like? Am I satisfied with the conversation? What can I improve in the next interview?
  • Initiate agreed measures.
  • Coordinate with HR or the next level.