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Motivating Employees: 14 Tips to Boost Team Performance

  • Post category:Advisor

Motivation is an important factor in the success of a company. Motivated employees are more productive, creative, and loyal. In this post, we'll give you 14 tips on how to light your employees' fire.

1. Create a pleasant company culture:

  • Promote positive and respectful interaction.
  • Create an atmosphere where employees feel valued and heard.
  • Offer flexible working hours and locations.

2. Be a motivated role model:

  • Show enthusiasm for your work.
  • Be committed and aim high.
  • Give positive feedback to your employees.

3. Maintain a good work-life balance:

  • Enable your employees to make their free time meaningful.
  • Offer family-friendly working conditions.
  • Promote the health of your employees.

4. Create a motivating environment in the office:

  • Make the workspaces friendly and inviting.
  • Provide modern and ergonomic equipment.
  • Offer healthy snacks and drinks.

5. Support personal development:

  • Promote the development of your employees' skills and competencies.
  • Offer upskilling opportunities that match your employees' interests and needs.
  • Cover the costs of further training.

6. Convey the meaning and purpose of their work to employees:

  • Show the connection between the work of employees and the success of the company.
  • Provide regular feedback to employees on their performance.
  • Celebrate successes achieved together.

7. Provide health-promoting services:

  • Offer classes for yoga, meditation, or fitness.
  • Allow participation in sporting events.
  • Provide healthy food in the canteen.

8. Establish an emotional connection with the company:

  • Organize joint activities and events.
  • Encourage interaction between employees.
  • Show employees that they are valued.

9. Don't get tired of praising your colleagues:

  • Give your employees positive feedback on a regular basis.
  • Thank them for a job well done.
  • Show employees that you value their performance.

10. Celebrate shared successes:

  • Organize joint celebrations to recognize successes achieved.
  • Thank your employees for their commitment.
  • Let your employees participate in the company's success.

11. Establish a vibrant, constructive feedback culture:

  • Give your employees regular feedback on their performance.
  • Be open to feedback from your employees.
  • Use feedback to improve employee performance.

12. Make payment reasonable and fair:

  • Pay your employees a decent salary.
  • Offer performance-based compensation components.
  • Consider employee performance when it comes to promotions.

13. Avoid micromanagement:

  • Give your employees freedom and responsibility.
  • Trust in the skills of your employees.
  • Don't control every step of the process.

14. Leave room for self-organization and autonomy:

  • Give your employees the opportunity to organize their work themselves.
  • Trust your employees' decisions.
  • Encourage your employees to take initiative.

Special case of team motivation: How to motivate your employees

In particular, team building plays an important role in promoting team motivation. A strong sense of belonging, trust and sympathy among team members form the basis for a highly motivated team.

It's crucial to note what stage the team is currently in. Some approaches are better suited to certain stages of a team's development than others. For example, if the team is in a conflict, organizing a joint outdoor team event could be counterproductive and demotivating.

Change management: Get your employees on board.

Involve your employees in change management. Nothing is more demotivating than when decisions are made over the heads of others. And this without regard to how those affected are supposed to deal with the change. An important step towards effective change management, which is supported by all, is comprehensive communication, regular surveys and the active involvement of employees in the change process. In this way, you motivate your employees to stay engaged even in challenging situations.


Employee motivation is a complex issue. There are many different factors that can affect motivation. With the 14 tips in this guide, you can increase the motivation of your employees and improve the performance of your team.